When it comes to diagnostic imaging, drug eluting stents, and hip replacements, healthcare technology in America is without a doubt the best in the world. Sadly, it’s a recurring nightmare when it comes to information technology within hospitals and small physician practice, where everything from ballooning bad debt expense to illegible prescriptions and 200,000 preventable deaths a year are bleeding our healthcare budget dry, scarring the people who pay too much for too little, and overworking providers of care.
IT investment per worker in the healthcare industry is roughly half of what private industry in America pays and only 1 in 6 physicians have a fully working healthcare technology platform. The US spends $2.2 trillion, or 16% of GDP, on healthcare, yet we rank #46 and #42 when it comes to life expectancy and infant mortality, respectively. Without adjustment, healthcare spending will double to over $4 trillion by 2016.
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